
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Apartment Aquaponic Windowfarm Garden

Hey everybody,

This is my first post for this blog.  I posted this youtube video about a week ago after I finally got my aquaponic windowfarm garden set up in my kitchen.  I followed the windowfarming plans available online.  I added a 5 gallon water cooler jug at the bottom for a fish reservoir   I have a betta and an african dwarf frog in the water jug.  I'm not sure that they'll provide enough nutrients for all 5 plants, but we'll find out.  I'm planning on using mostly herbs, as they will need less nutrients than fruiting plants.  Here's the video:

I want to use this blog to track my progress with this garden, and the other aquaponic projects that I'm working on.  I hope you'll enjoy my posts, and maybe you'll learn a thing or two (or maybe you can teach me a thing or two).

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